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Dubai Autodrome
Customer James Thom with his 9Tuning chipped 964 at the Dubai Autodrome
Customer Damir Jamnik with his 9Tuning chipped 944 at the Porsche Club, Slovenia
Customer James Sanderson with his 9Tuning chipped 964 - Porsche Club Victoria


We offer quality Porsche performance tuning chips/EPROM which are aimed at giving you the satisfaction of fitting your own upgrade components with the aid of our detailed and easy to follow instructions*.

This site is currently dedicated to supplying our tuning chips but will be soon expanded to include more products.

Chip Tuning

Put simply... Your engine is controlled by a micro computer commonly called an Engine Control Unit (ECU) or DME. The ECU controls the amount of fuel injected into the engine and the ignition timing. It controls these settings taking into account variables such as engine revolutions (RPM), air temperature, engine temperature, throttle position, exhaust gas etc. This is all done via information from many sensors connected to the engine. The ECU reads pre programmed values that are stored in maps for the injection and ignition timing values and makes compensations for the different temperatures and engine loads etc. This way, all the best possible ignition timing and the optimal amount of fuel is calculated from the maps in conjunction with all the sensor values. It's these maps that are modified to optimise performance and you guessed it, the maps are stored in a removable memory chip. You may also know of the chip as an EPROM, it's the same thing.

By swapping the standard chip for one of our modified chips you are loading a new set of ignition and fuel maps into your ECU.

So you're probably thinking, why didn't Porsche do this at the factory?

Production cars have to be set up to run in extreme conditions such as poor servicing and inferior quality fuel and as such compromises have been made. So as long as you intend to keep your Porsche maintained and use good quality fuel, you can gain the power that was left out at the factory.

Simply click on the links on the right to get more details and prices specific to your model.

International Distributors wanted - contact us

Check our FAQ section for answers to some common questions or feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

* Instructions in Adobe PDF format. Please click here for a free Adobe Acrobat Reader if required.


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